Think this was his 47th birthday, hats for everybody and the odd moustache at The Victoria, Jericho
A few pics from our perfect late summer weekend at the cabin in Czech 2019. Dave impressing the local landlord with his GCSE Russian...I ask you who else would suddenly be able to hold a passable conversation in Russian?
At Tom’s wedding in France, Alice just a few weeks old and David already the besotted new Dad!
always a delightful, witty and thought provoking companion and of course, a loyal friend,.He will be sorely missed
Andy, David, Barrie and Manolo at Tom’s wedding
Not best pleased about helping to haul the evening's fire wood home though. Sadly I didn't get a picture of him playing The Boatman, I honestly have never heard it played better
Enjoying the French hospitality on the lawn - Tom’s wedding
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Some of the gang - France
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Most of the gang (and lots of babies!) - 2011
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David & Liz 💕 - Skopelos 2000
David - super casual, no posing for the camera at all :) - Skopelos 2000
Some tremendous Wilkinson photo-bombing - Skopelos 2000
Harry, David and Barrie. Probably discussing politics or literature. Or not.
David and I, very much enjoying the generosity of the Skopelos vodka and tonic pourers…💕
The gang. No children. Just mopeds and no sense of fear. Skopelos 2000
At the pub with JB
David on the boat
Liz and David on the boat
on the way to Poole
Punting family
Head of the table at ours...fond memory (Tom Man)
Amakusa Beach Party when David came to visit, played guitar because he was cool and talented like that and then we nearly got blown away by a typhoon!
Found this in my What’s App folder! David I can’t believe we will not see you again. 💕
There are some lovely photos of David and his children. I love this one with Alice x
David sharing his love 💕 of science with Alice.
Terrible photo but June 13 21
Dart 🎯 champion!
David with Liz and Ben on Ben's first day at nursery
Last lunch before leaving for Australia. Tim & Rosemary Taylor, David, Eileen behind the camera.
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Dave n Just
Coastal skipper
Fun times
Higher Georgia cottage.
25th Birthday in India
Always the showman.
The mighty Enfield. Zero safety!
India 1995
Loved a boat
David of Arabia
Loved a massage too but not sure about this one!
The obligatory Taj pic!
Ever the clown!
Always keen to go deep sea fishing!
Thailand 1992: Dave slips into village festivities to their great delight!
Fashoda Road, Brum, den of iniquity! With Josh, Geoff and me.
Fashoda Road ‘garden party’..
I love you brother. I miss you man x
‘I passed my surgery retake!’ ?
David, Baby Alice and a wise elephant. Knysna, Jan 2008.
David, with Andy (Dad), Neil and Rich. Millenium Eve Party, Stoke Paddock Road, Bristol , 1999.
David, Lisa and Richard. Adorable..
Andy, David, Rich - sometime in the noughties..
Fire starter .. Buscawanoon - 1998
Cornwall - David, Marie, Geoff - 1998? November - Nice outing for the Guernsey jumper
When England beat Aus in the Rugby World Cup ... Melbourne Nov 2003 - Harri, Cath, David, Matt, Claire, Liz
Willma (David's mum), David, Liz - maybe in the Trout?
Shrine at the top of the 3333 steps (日本一の石段) in Chuo-machi (now Misato Machi- 美里町,), Kumamoto, Japan. Summer 1996. David popped in on the way home from Caboolture for a visit.
When our Japanese family the Uchidas came to visit - 2004/5 ... with a puppy called Daisy!
With Uchida Shizuka who stayed with us for a while and her Mum. David had been painting.. 2005
Atacama Desert, Chile 1994. We hitched with a truck driver from San Pedro De Atacama..
Clifton Park, Rotherham, 1993?
Flying Concorde!
With sister Lisa
with Bro Rich
Carbis Bay Beach pre G7!
Atop the Rockefeller Building, New York
David on the far right, at a friend’s wedding in Spain
David And baby Alice. France
David at a wedding in France
David & baby Alice in France
France, 2007
David, the bbq King. France, 2011
Our wedding reception, Sept 93. Becks and Richard Gould
Obligatory team pic. Sept 93
Graduation July 1993 - seemed like a good idea obviously!
Graduation UoB 1993 - Portugal crew
Graduation 1993 with dave, geoff, john and my bro patrick
dave, me and geoff - great hats
Birmingham 1993
Justin & Christine's wedding 1998
Justin & Christine's wedding 1998
On Frank's Stag, dressed as a knight of the round table
Brittany with the Stewarts New Years 2014
Brittany 2014, Dave, Liz and Kate and a cold beach!
skiing with 'Geoff Tours' 2000
Oh we laughed x Dave Liz and Kate x
Fishing in the Med. Dave spent hours fishing, often for very little return!
Fishing in the Med. Dave spent hours fishing, often for very little return
Dave, Rich and Andrew Wilkinson, from Lisa
David’s graduation, from Lisa
Seamus, Gill, Frank & David playing at Dave & Liz’s wedding 2002, from Lisa
Dave & Liz’s wedding 2002, from Lisa
I really like this photo, catching Dave laughing. His laughter was so infectious, from Lisa .
BBQ director with brother Rich. New Forest summer 2019
Summer family f
David back from travels trying out a new hammock x I love his smile in this picture.
And with lovely Liz, joyous x
Summer evenings in Wolvercote ❤️
Winter walks ❤️
Great Tew....great days ❤️
On the punt!
Squishy squeezes ❤️
& 👶🏼 Makes 4 in this pic!
So glad we all got this time with David
Get together on your trip to Melbourne in April 2018. So much laughter (apologies for making you late for your dinner, though!)
A break between sets for some high level philosophical conversation - thirsty work! There is live footage to accompany the stills, for the brave ("Stairway with David" in video section.)
You were so late at this point, Liz was literally reversing down the drive with Alice and Ben when this was being taken. Au revoir, mon ami.
David fishing off St Kilda, Melbourne 2003 - Simon and Lizzie Williams
Christmas Eve concert 2003, Botanic Gardens Melbourne
Christmas Lunch 2003, Melbourne
New Year 2003 card tricks
Coffee, cake and a chat, Cafe in Melbourne
David on Piano, 2003
Picnic at Hanging Rock, Victoria - 2003
David and Liz, Ramsdell 2006
Dave and alice camping oxfordshire August 2010
Dave and alice ready for bed camping oxfordshire May 2010
Dave and Justin at the back as usual 25 yr reunion 2018
Dave and the girls (!) 25 yr reunion 2018
Dave and Seth camping oxfordshire May 2010
Dave tucking into aloo gobi camping oxfordshire May 2010
Dave, Seth, Geoff and Justin 25 yr reunion 2018
April 2009 David, Liz & Alice with sister in law, Clare & niece, Rebecca
Jan 2003 Liz & David in Queenstown NZ, just before heading up to the Wilkin Valley
Jan 2003 David at Wilkin Valley, NZ
July 2007 Liz, David and Alice
July 2007 David with Alice & Daisy, with brother-in-law Paul & nephew Alex, brother-in-law Andy & niece Rebecca
Dr Dave Mongoose memories - lesson one...catching the fish
Dr Dave Mongoose memories - lesson two - cooking the fish
Dr Dave and Merl, Mongoose memories - homeward bound
You've welcomed me in your sweet loving family. Merci Capitaine !
dave and clare bocking on a walk, maybe up north?
Dave at Uni
David and Jemma
Than Sadet, Kho Panghan
David and Jemma 2
He always loved a bit of drumming
Somewhere in India I think
Agonda Beach, Goa
Playing chess
Hempi, India
Enjoying one of life's true luxuries
Approaching Capo Finisterra 2002
Snorkelling in the BVI 2000
BVI 2000
Centre parcs tickling a young Alice
centre parcs cooking
centre parcs 4
centre parcs, in a contemplative mood
Davey Naming ceremony
France summer 2019 - getting the oyster ready
France summer 2019 - oysters in hand
France summer 2019 220
frank 40th playing chess with Tom
frank 40th with Alice
frank 40th smiling at the world and its absurdity
Sailing Croatia 2008 - the one that didn't get away
Skiing at Les Arcs 2019
Skiing at Les Arcs 2019 with Ben
Great memory of a tightly fought game of pétanque, a few years ago, on the Quais de Seine in Paris, in the sun, beer in hand. Or was it Pastis? Aside from everything else David had a great live of France and all things quintessentially French
Top seat of the tour bus, on our way to the Titanic Museum. Belfast Oct 2016.
Farmer Dave! His allotment!
Dave with Tom in Quod after a typically raucous NDA dinner in 2017 - love from Francesx
Liz and David at the Wolvercote Primary School auction of promises. No caption required, this photo says everything I love about Liz and David xxx
David teaching Ben to drive the tractor in Steels Creek March 2018