The BBQ Meister. That’s how I’ll always remember you David.
You were always more than happy to handle the bbq, and feed us all. Happy during gatherings, of which there were so very many get togethers, birthdays, and weddings, with you there. Always carrying your own style, standing out among the crowd (as your cream linen suit among all the black and grey suits will testify!), and you were always up for a laugh. I can’t quite imagine future gatherings, dinners and bbqs without you.
Gracious in the face of our gentle teasing (we were Liz’s loyal uni friends after all!), and always ready to welcome us with a big hug. I’ll always remember a certain twinkle in your eye, especially after a few beers. I remember the way you looked at Liz, while she was unaware. Or, after Alice was born, at your housewarming party, when we talked about your newborn, you said: “I’ve never known a love like it, she’s my whole being”. Ben in your words was the apple of your eye. Fatherhood transformed you. You adored your family.
David, you were a kind, generous, welcoming and gentle man. And I can’t imagine our future get togethers without you.
RIP, dear David.
Miriam xxx
17th July 2021